Improving lives, naturally

Leading Australian biotech in cannabinoid medicine, we’re committed to scientific excellence, drug development and product innovation – we’re shaping the future of personalised medicine.
Father and daughter sitting on a dock
Blue DNA
Understanding Medicinal Cannabis:

From Plant to Prescription

Medicinal cannabis is derived from cannabis plants. Research has shown it to be an effective way of treating the symptoms of a variety of medical conditions, as well as the side effects of many traditional treatments.

Different medicinal cannabis products are available to treat different conditions.

The active ingredients in medicinal cannabis are called ‘cannabinoids’. There are over 100 cannabinoids in medicinal cannabis, and researchers are still investigating how they all work.

Most medicinal cannabis products contain the cannabinoids cannabidiol (CBD) and tetrahydro- cannabinol (THC). OMG products are whole-plant formulations that include varying ratios of CBD, THC, minor cannabinoids and terpenes.

Medicinal cannabis products vary depending on the symptoms or condition they are designed to treat; how they’re administered can vary too. Your doctor will assess your needs and decide whether there is an appropriate medicinal cannabis product for you. OMG produces Australian pharmaceutical-grade, prescription-only medicines.

About OMG pharma

OMG is driven by passion and the pursuit of excellence in cannabinoid medicine. As a fully licenced Australian medicinal cannabis biotech, our success is measured in real world change: improving lives for Australian patients and delivering results as a trusted B2B, research and medical partner.

Our commitment to pure, safe and trusted Australian made medicinal cannabis drives our company culture to continually inspire, innovate and exceed.

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